The trend of maximalism takes over minimalism

A new emerging fashion trend among gen z is taking over the sophisticated minimalism we have become accustomed to in recent years. Largely thanks to Tiktok which popularized this way of dressing. While some of us will remain lifelong minimalists, those who tend to shift their aesthetics with the changing tides of fashion are more prone to maximalism, thanks in large part to — you guessed it — Gucci's Alessandro Michele. Over the past decade, every field from architecture to graphic design has been ushered in a period of millennial minimalism, rooted in simplicity and efficiency. After the 2008 recession, flamboyant opulence was frowned upon and a "less is more" approach was widely adopted


Inspiration for maximalism

As with any fashion trend, “maximalism” has modern roots from Japanese street style. When we think of maximalist fashion, we tend to associate it with Harajuku-inspired fits with campy patterns, excessive layering, bold silhouettes, and generally terribly hard-to-make styles. But there's more to maximalism than meets the eye, literally and figuratively. Harajuku is a style that originated among teenagers on the streets near Harajuku Station in Shibuya, Japan. Perhaps this style was well represented by singer Gwen Stefani, but its evolution obviously didn't start by itself. Like many "street fads", this style is difficult to characterize because it is constantly updated and has many variations. The minimalist mantra "less is more", courtesy of the German Bauhaus art school was founded in the 1920s. Modernists believed that simplicity and elegant functionality were made possible by mass production and affordable new materials. Rococo fashion of the eighteenth century, for example, projected a "more is better" ethic. As a journalistic term, "maximalism" is often used to refer to bold, intricate aesthetics or exaggerated silhouettes. However, maximalist fashions can also embrace various visual references to synthesize new meanings.

Dress like a maximalist

Maximalist ways of dressing are not new to the fashion realm. Major brands such as Comme des Garçons, Gucci and Schiaparelli have continuously embraced the maximalist dogmas of extravagance and spectacle throughout history. However, the return to color, texture and bold silhouettes was equally presented by all of us at home. Downtime imposed by the pandemic has been filled with viral fashion challenges and explorations of personal style. For example, TikTok was flooded with videos explaining how to create rings, original sweaters and colorful patchwork tops.

A mix of patterns

The first and most important rule of dressing in a maximalist style is to mix prints and patterns! It may seem very emphatic at first, but once you try it, you'll find that wearing this style together will make you see your clothes in a whole new way. Here is an example of a wearable outfit with different patterns and textures. Accessories add a great way to layer your outfit and go overboard a little more.

Understand the color wheel

Spending a few minutes exploring natural and complementary colors will take your look to the next level. Knowing your colors is great both for enhancing any style you decide to show off, and for adding a maximalist note. The safest option would be to take the same color but in different shades. Don't confuse it with monochrome because with maximalism we try to choose unique things, like shoes and bright glasses that complement the shirt. Layering for the top is also one of the styling options to define maximalist style.


Take a look at the plot

Maximalist style implies the acceptance of the superfluous, layering is an integral part of any maximalist look. From layered shirts with different hems to a fun pair of socks underneath ripped jeans, texture matters more than you think. Additionally, maximalist clothing has become available for a large number of textured items that you haven't yet had the opportunity to wear. There are 4 different textures in this outfit, cotton shirt with a fun western vibe, linen pants, fun furry slippers, and plastic pill bag. It's really funny!



Wear what you love

This is the best style tip for any style! Since maximalism is all about incorporating excess into your wardrobe, this is your chance to bring out all the eclectic pieces you love. You wouldn't want to wear an outfit full of items you don't love, right? While maximalism is about combining many different clothes in one outfit, each piece should be something special to you that you enjoy wearing!

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