Rules to Follow in Choosing Colors for the Outfit.

Designer and tailor Sid Mashburn once said, "A man doesn't need a lot of clothes, he needs the right clothes." A modern man should strive to create a harmonious look that pleases the eye and matches the mood and situation and tells others who he is and who he wants to be. One of the main elements of creating a style and dressing well is the correct combination of colors. Men's wardrobe is no exception to the application of color rules. Expensive jackets, shirts and ties from the hottest designers will also look great separately. However, they won't make a good outfit if you don't know how to select colors.

Rules to Follow

Monochromatic combination

Monochromatic looks are simple yet super stylish. The trend for black and white is evergreen, and if you haven't tried it yet, you have to. All you have to do is dress yourself from head to toe in one color but with different shades. It must be said that few people wear totally monochromatic looks, so having two or three monochromatic sets in your wardrobe will effectively make you stand out in a crowd.

Chromatic accent

White, black, gray, brown, and navy blue are neutral colors: they will never ruin your look, but they will not make you stand out from the crowd. Choose these colors as a base for your wardrobe. The main advantage of essential clothing in neutral shades is that it can complement almost any colour.

Earthy Colors

Nature is never wrong in choosing a color; there is always harmony in its combinations. The rule is simple: if a variety of tones can be found in nature, it can be safely used in an outfit. These colors most commonly include shades of blue, green, and brown.

Where to start?

Choose basic shades for the look

First, define a base color to start your look. Typically, the base color is assigned to a suit, shirt or jacket. As a basis, choose neutral, achromatic colors: black, gray, white, brown or dark blue. These neutral colors are perfect as base colors because they can be quickly combined with all other color nuances.

Particular attention should be paid to the medium gray color, which can be combined with literally any shade of the palette. However, you should never forget the three color rule: if there are more than 3 colors in an outfit, it is difficult to balance the combination of shades.

Choose an accent color

The men's wardrobe is quite limited in the selection of items that can be used to create an accent. But it is precisely the accentuation of color that can give a look a unique charm. By putting the right emphasis on an accessory or on some object of the look, you can dilute the monotony of the nuances and make your outfit more exciting in the eyes of others.

To give a color accent, you can use a scarf, tie, bag, eyeglass frame, and in some cases, even socks can be used for emphasis. The main thing that must be observed when placing accents is that they must overlap with other clothes in your look. For example, a tie of any bright color will be combined with a business suit in the shade of navy blue, or a black and white street style look can be complemented with a colored bag.

Consider the features of your facial tone

It is necessary to combine colors in clothes without interrupting the natural color of your complexion. After all, the main essence of clothing is to emphasize facial features from the practical side, making it more expressive. By their nature, men don't really think about how a particular color of clothing fits their face.
To figure out which color scheme is right for your natural complexion, you need to determine the degree of contrast—the difference between eyebrows, hair, and skin color. There are three main types: high contrast, medium contrast, and low contrast.


1. High Contrast: Black Hair - Light Skin

For this typology, the best solution would be maximum contrast, for example by choosing a black tie with white stripes.

2. Low Contrast: Blond Hair - Light Skin

The use of minimally contrasting combinations will be ideal in this case so that the clothes do not attract attention to themselves. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a balance by looking for commonalities in the face and clothing.

3. Medium contrast

The most advantageous type, as there are much more color options for clothing.

An equally important point is eye color, which must also be taken into account when choosing a wardrobe.

The most important thing to keep in mind when creating an outfit is the final result. Namely: a complete look that will reveal your best qualities, give elegance and make you stronger and more confident.

By choosing different colors, textures of fabrics, patterns, you can add variety even to the strict classic style of men's clothing. But to look truly elegant, when the look becomes appropriate, you need to match colors and fabrics correctly.

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